VeriPic’s Evidence Pad Mobile App makes capturing and managing
digital evidence capable while in the field.
Officers can now capture and record evidence with their mobile devices. With VeriPic’s Evidence Pad™ Mobile App, law enforcement can use their smart phones or tablets to conveniently collect audio and video recordings, take photos and document notes without being in the office.
Create and Sync Notes in the Field
Create and sync notes for videos, photos, and audio statements captured using VeriPic’s Evidence Pad Mobile App. Use Evidence Pad to document the crime scene in the field or an incident when it occurs, rather than waiting until you get to the office. Available for iOS and Android devices.
Prevent Your Phone from Becoming Evidence
Evidence Pad removes all traces of files captured within it once they are submitted to
Digital Evidence Manager.
Import Directly into Digital Evidence Manager
Import files and notes captured with Evidence Pad directly into Digital Evidence Manager while in the field.

Compatible with Body Worn Cameras
Create and Sync Notes in the field from Evidence Pad for body worn cameras you are using with the VeriPic Locker. Use with cameras purchased from VeriPic and other vendors.